The Zanos laboratory has a dedicated laboratory space at the main campus of the University of Cyprus. The laboratory space consists of a wet laboratory suitable for drug preparations, molecular biology, and neuroscience research. Dr. Zanos has access to a shared satellite animal facility at the Department of Biological Sciences. The facility includes a long-term rodent housing room equipped with micro-ventilator cages capable of housing 240 mouse cages. It also features two biosafety cabinets. Additionally, Dr. Zanos lab has three isolation rooms dedicated to rodent behavioral studies, slice electrophysiology and in vivo neuronal activity recordings. In addition to these facilities, the Zanos laboratory has access to a room that is dedicated to rodent procedures. This room accommodates surgeries and houses a stereotaxic apparatus for rodent procedures, equipped with isoflurane anesthesia systems. Finally, Dr. Zanos has access to a shared cold, 4°C, room and a shared microscopy room.
Behavioral/Translational Pharmacology Equipment
At the Zanos lab, we house an extensive suite of rodent behavioral equipment designed to mirror and measure a spectrum of human-like behaviors.
Our comprehensive array includes the open-field test, a standard rodent model for assessing exploratory activity, while the Y-maze and novel-object recognition tests offer assessments of spatial and object recognition memory in rodents. We also use the three-chambered social interaction test for assessing sociability behaviors in rodents.
To measure anxiety-like behaviors, we employ both the elevated plus-maze and light/dark box setups, providing multifaceted insights into these complex responses. Assessing antidepressant efficacy involves employing the well-established forced-swim and tail-suspension tests, predictive of potential therapeutic outcomes.
Furthermore, our research delves into reward mechanisms utilizing conditioned-place preference and operant conditioning chambers, enabling detailed studies on reinforcing behavior. Additionally, these chambers serve as platforms for investigating addictive behaviors, focusing on the complex pathways underlying addiction development and reinforcement mechanisms in rodents.
Basic Neuroscience Equipment
Dr. Zanos’ laboratory is equipped with two full set-up rigs for field potential recordings, having a temperature-controlled four-chamber bath and a 4-channel AM Systems amplifier system for simultaneous recordings from 4 brain slices (2 units). For slice sectioning, we do have access to a shared vibratome.
For our sleep studies, we do have the Amuza Inc. wireless EEG/EMG recording set-up for mice. In particular, we are equipped with the appropriate equipment for monitoring up to 4 mice simultaneously.
For the in vivo optogenetics studies, the Zanos lab is equipped with fiber-coupled LEDs (ThorLabs) and multiple arduinos for TTL control.
Clinical Neuroscience Equipment
The Zanos laboratory also has acquired clinical neuroscience equipment including:
- 128-channel electroencephalograph – EEG (Compumedics – AlphaTrace)
- Eye tracker (access to)
- MP160 System (Biopac) – provides high resolution (16 bit), variable sample rates for analog and calculation channels, 16 analog inputs and two analog outputs, digital I/O lines (automatically control other TTL level equipment), and 16 online calculation channels – this system is shared within the Department of Psychology and is used for measuring heart-rate variability indices (access to).
Molecular Biology Equipment
At the Zanos lab, we also have molecular biology equipment that includes essential instruments for precise analysis. We employ a Biorad western blot and chemiluminescence imaging systems to visualize proteins and nucleic acids. Our microplate photometer, coupled with an incubator, facilitate enzyme-linked immunosorbent (ELISA) measurements with accuracy. For highly sensitive nucleic acid quantification, we use the Implen Nanophotometer. Additionally, the Zanos lab has recently acquired an RT-qPCR machine with 6 excitation and 6 detection channels (Bio-rad, CFX Opus 96).
Our array also comprises a microplate washer and the Bandmate System, automating sample processing to enhance efficiency and precision.
Wet laboratory / Miscellaneous Equipment
Dr. Zanos lab also has the following miscellaneous wet laboratory equipment:
-80 Degree freezer, -20 Degree freezer, two under cabinet refrigerators, tissue homogenizer, tissue sonicator, refrigerated centrifuge, thermomixers, pH meter, plate shakers, bench desiccators, analytical balance, water bath, vortex mixers, mini centrifuges, pipettes, etc. Our laboratories contains all of the necessary parts: recording wires, driver assemblies, different gauges of metal tubing, wire insulation etc.; and tools: soldering iron, precision forceps, precision scissors, electrode plating device, etc. to construct electrodes.